
Workshop «Was ist Choreografie»

Workshop for 12 to 18 year olds

Choreography literally means “to write dance,” but how does it work? What does it take? In this holiday course, we shall explore choreography for one week. Participants will learn how important the factors of time, space and the dynamics of movement are for the creation of a choreography. They will try out various working methods and develop their own choreography in the course of the week, either in groups or alone. The week will conclude with the young participants showing the short pieces they have created to their families and friends.

Workshop inkl. Vorstellungsbesuch: CHF 100

Vorkenntnisse in Ballett oder Tanz sind nicht erforderlich.
Leitung: Bettina Holzhausen / Angelika Ächter

Mo 19 bis Fr 23 Feb 2018 jeweils 10.00 bis 13.00 Uhr
Showing: Fr 23 Feb, 18.00 Uhr
Vorstellungsbesuch: Di 6 März 2018, 19.00 Uhr
Anmeldung unter 044 268 66 66 oder