Partnerships Hand in Hand
We have a long-standing and rewarding relationship with our sponsoring partners. Thanks to our partners’ generous commitment, we can realize strategically important goals and projects. With oper für alle and the opening Eröffnungsfest, we jointly bring opera and ballet to the Sechseläutenplatz, reaching a new audience and breaking down the barriers to opera and ballet. We offer reduced-price tickets and age-specific educational formats for school classes, as well as participatory projects for adults.
Which themes and issues are your company or foundation passionate about? Where would you personally like to help ensure that the Opernhaus is fit for the challenges ahead? We would be delighted to discuss your contribution with you personally. The possibilities range from supporting an opera or ballet production to making a commitment to our young artists or enabling educational projects for children and young people. Popular formats such as the Musical Advent Calendar or our concert series also rely on financial support.
As a sponsor, you benefit from a range of services. These include preferential access to performance tickets and, if you wish, visibility. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to use the Opernhaus as an exclusive hospitality venue for your guests. Along the way, you will receive comprehensive advice and support from our sponsoring and event team.
Would you be interested in taking advantage of a commitment to the Opernhaus Zürich? We look forward to hearing from you:
Linda Fiasconaro, Cornelia Tschirky-Müller and Schu-Han Yang
Telephone: +41 44 268 64 15