
Opera goes Folk

Compositions by Joaquín Rodrigo, Maurice Ravel, Dmitri Schostakowitsch, Zoltán Kodály u.a.

O leggiadri occhi belli

Giulio Caccini

Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Se tu m´ami

Joaquín Rodrigo
Cuatro madrigales amatorios

Maurice Ravel
Chants Populaires: «Chanson écossaise», «Chanson espagnole», «Chanson italienne» und «Chanson hébraïque»

Trois Chansons: «Nicolette», «Trois beaux oiseaux du Paradis» und «Ronde»

Vocalise-étude en forme de habanera

Dmitri Schostakowitsch
Spanische Lieder op. 100: «Farewell, Granada», «Little Stars» und «First Meeting»

Zoltán Kodály
«A rossz feleség», «Magos kösziklának» und «Cigány nota»

Good to know

We have put together a comprehensive public health protection plan, which aligns with FOPH (BAG) regulations in place.
In order to help protect yourself and others, we kindly ask you to observe the protective measures during your visit to the Opernhaus. Thank you in advance for your support.


Opera goes Folk


Opera goes Folk